divendres, 14 de març del 2008


Laura Chapman as... Maria Brunsó

Sam Hall as... Maira Brunsó

Brian Parks as... Jordi Costa

Plane Hostes... Maria Brunsó

Plane as... Jordi Costa

Laura, Brian and Sam, are flying in a plane to New York. Suddenly, the plane suffers turbulences... Sam is very afraid...

Laura: You all right?
Brian: He's afraid of flying.
Sam: I'm find.
Brian: Statiscally, the chance of the plane going down because of turbulence...
Brian: ...Is less, than, what, one in a billion? Or is it a million?
Brian: I can't remeber if it's a--
Laura: Shut up, Brian.
Laura: Listen, Sam.
Laura: ...don't pay atention to him, okay? Everything's fine.
Laura: They're still serving drinks.
Plane: It appears we're gona have a bit of a bumpy ride for the next few minutes.
Plane: Please fasten your seat belts and put your tray tables, and seats in their upright positions until we get throught this. Thank you.

Air hostes: Grab it. Watch out!
Laura: Sam?
Laura: Sam.
Laura: Can I have my hand back?